Evidence-Based Personal Development for Parents
Parenting is the most incredible opportunity for personal growth available in a lifetime. More so than any other experience, you can transform yourself in ways beyond your imagination if done with intention. So much parenting is done either automatically, on the fly, or by following rules from an expert. Yet, exceptional parenting doesn't happen by following an expert, rules, or winging it, no matter how much yoga and meditation you do. Exceptional parenting occurs when parents undergo strategic and specific personal growth. But not just any personal growth will do. Some personal growth is effective and some not so much. Here, we use evidence-based best practices in personal growth to propel you to an advanced state of living so everyone around you, including your children will benefit. Dr. Jennifer Jones, renowned psychologist and acclaimed speaker guides us through an experiential, conversational and connecting group as we transform ourselves to become the best mothers and fathers for our children and ourselves.
Free Parenting Classes for Schools and Churches/ Synagogues
There is no debate that there is absolutely no job more important and also more challenging than raising a child. Yet, besides reading the occasional parenting book, which more often than not is not based on research, parents are navigating this pivotal work blindly. So, we offer FREE PARENTING CLASSES to schools, synagogues & churches. Dr. Jones' curriculum, Transformational Parenting is not only evidence and research-based, it integrates the best practices in psychology, child develoment and neurology, as well as creates a paradigm shift that parenting is most effective when used for personal growth instead of trendy techniques. Dr. Jones is able to provide these classes for free to schools and churches through her non-profit organization, Roots & Wings. Dr. Jones and her team have been providing parenting classes all over Southern California for 20 years to LA Unified schools, Santa Monica Unified Schools, as well as private schools such as Our Lady of Malibu. Please email us to see if you qualify.
Click here for Private Parenting Classes & Retreats
Dear Fellow Parents,
The work of parenting is more exhausting than it needs to be! We are thinking of parenting all wrong. It can be joyful and energy-fueling if we shift the lens inward. Through my professional work with hundreds of parents and my own personal work, it has become clear that what we really need is to work on ourselves.
Parenting techniques and trends will give us some tools but won’t change the substance of what we are working with. It’s like we have been given paintbrushes without colors to paint with. Without doing the inner work, there is very little to work with, nothing to paint. Until now, therapy has been the solution to the inner work of parenting. Yet, therapy is impractical for most. It's time for a paradigm shift!
So, over the last 12 years, I’ve summed up the best in psychological literature to share with you "Transformational Parenting” which is evidence-based personal development for parents.
Personal development is different for parents. First, we are on a firm deadline! With only 18 years (realistically 12 or 13) to get our act together until we lose our influence on our kids, we are a motivated bunch! Second, because our children are our mirror and are constantly reflecting our emotional state, we have a direct feedback loop available for advanced personal growth. Third, the relationship we create with our children now will be the foundation for our relationship with them as adults. We have no time to dilly-dally around with stuff that distracts from the heart of the matter.
I'm thrilled you're here with me to figure it out. You're brave enough to move away from the dominant paradigm that has us pointing fingers at our children. You're compassionate enough to be willing to make a change for your child. And you're smart enough to know that evidence-based psychology is the only way to go. Welcome!
We're in this Together,
Dr. Jennifer
Parenting techniques and trends will give us some tools but won’t change the substance of what we are working with. It’s like we have been given paintbrushes without colors to paint with. Without doing the inner work, there is very little to work with, nothing to paint. Until now, therapy has been the solution to the inner work of parenting. Yet, therapy is impractical for most. It's time for a paradigm shift!
So, over the last 12 years, I’ve summed up the best in psychological literature to share with you "Transformational Parenting” which is evidence-based personal development for parents.
Personal development is different for parents. First, we are on a firm deadline! With only 18 years (realistically 12 or 13) to get our act together until we lose our influence on our kids, we are a motivated bunch! Second, because our children are our mirror and are constantly reflecting our emotional state, we have a direct feedback loop available for advanced personal growth. Third, the relationship we create with our children now will be the foundation for our relationship with them as adults. We have no time to dilly-dally around with stuff that distracts from the heart of the matter.
I'm thrilled you're here with me to figure it out. You're brave enough to move away from the dominant paradigm that has us pointing fingers at our children. You're compassionate enough to be willing to make a change for your child. And you're smart enough to know that evidence-based psychology is the only way to go. Welcome!
We're in this Together,
Dr. Jennifer